Quick Start Guide:
There are five views you can click on at the top of the page:
- Edit is where you build your character.
- Preview shows you how it will look in a forum post.
- Export displays the text to paste in a forum post.
- Prefs is where you can set a few preferences.
- Help is where you are now.
- About contains author, background, and legal information.
Name Character
To give your character a name, click on "Name" in the upper left and type
a name in the box. Press return or click outside of the box when you are
The name you give your character will be added to the default bookmark
name to make it easy to keep track of your saved characters.
Select Archetype
Archetype defaults to Freeform. If you would like to change it to one of
the archetypes found in the game, click on "Archetype" in the upper
right and make your selection.
The Super Stats, Innate Talent, and Powers will be set for you. The
powers that you can change will be lighter in color and you can select
them to pick the alternative powers.
If you switch back to Freeform the selections will remain, but you
can now change them.
Note: Changing your Archetype will overwrite most of your selections, so
make sure you have saved a bookmark of any work you would like to keep.
Select Abilities
Click on the Super Stat, Innate Talent, or Talent you want to set or
modify on the left side of the page. A pop-up window will appear with
your options. Make your selection.
The Travel Powers are found on the lower left side of the page. The
regular Powers are found on the right right side of the page. Click on
the power you want to set or modify. A pop-up window will appear with
your options. Make your selection.
Once you have selected a Power you can click the "(advantages)" link to
the right of it to set the advantages for that power. Advantages can be
toggled on and off from the pop-up window.
Selections that are darker in color have already been taken, however,
clicking on them will swap them with the currently selected field.
Selections that are invalid choices, due to the game rules, are gray in
color and you cannot select them.
Specializations are found at bottom of the page. The first one is
automatically set based on your Primary Super Stat. The next two are
chosen by you when you click on them. Just like the other abilities, use
the pop-up window to set your options.
The options for the Mastery Specialization will be populated when the
other trees have be set. Just click on the one you want from the pop-up
On the pop-up windows, clicking "Clear" will deselect that item. "Cancel"
or clicking outside of the box will cancel the selection. "Insert" will insert
a power at that location (moving all powers below it down a level), and
"Delete" will remove the selected power (moving all powers below it up a
The number to the left of an attribute is the level needed to take it.
Save Character
To save your character click "Link to this build" found at the bottom of
every view.
This will bring up this URL with the parameters filled in to initialize your
character to the values you have set. Now you can simply save this page
as a bookmark in your browser in order to save a permanent link.
Please note that no progress is automatically saved for you, so if you
navigate away from this page you might loose your work. If, after
returning to the page, you find your selections have cleared, click
"Restore previous build" found at the bottom right. This will restore
the last known state.
Forum Preview and Export
To see what the forum export will look like, select the "Preview" view at
the top of the page.
To generate the forum export text, first select the "Export" view at the
top of the page. Then pick the type of export: "CO" (Champions Online),
"phpBBS", or "Text". Finally, just copy and paste the text found in the
text box onto a forum page.
There are a couple of preferences you can set that persist via browser
cookies. Select the "Prefs" view at the top of the page. Then modify the
preferences however you like.
To reset (clear) your edits, just click on the "PowerHouse" text in the
upper left corner. If you change your mind, click "Restore previous build"
in the lower right before making any selections.
Version: 0.9.34 (2016-03-05)
PowerHouse is an HTML/Javascript character planner for
Champions Online™
players. It is similar to and inspired by
written by Moritz Hartmeier and maintained by
Roxstar, which is a Java application that performs a similar function.
Copyright ©2010-2016 Kyle W. T. Sherman
Text descriptions and graphics are Copyright ©2009 Cryptic Studios, Inc.
and are used as per their terms of service.
Font is Copyright ©2004 Keith Bates and is used in accordance
with the license.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public
License for more details.
Champions Online is a registered trademark of Cryptic Studios, Inc.
Champions Online and all related content is ©2009 Cryptic Studios, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
For information regarding the rights reserved by Cryptic Studios,
please read the full Terms of
Service, specifically (but not limited to)
section 3. Champions Online game content and materials are trademarks
and copyrights of Cryptic Studios, Inc. or its licensors and used with
permission. All rights reserved.
I am @Brizel in game, and a proud member of the great and pants-less
Super Group. We are part of the Unrepentant gaming
community. If you are looking for a mature fun-loving group, give us a try.
Data Dump